Adaptive Services - Faculty


Please note that Adaptive Services has made changes to the Testing hours. See below!

Woman standing at a chalkboard discussing chemistry


Welcome to the Adaptive Services Faculty Canvas Community!


We utilize Canvas as a means to communicate valuable information to you as an instructor who may have a student with a documented disability in your course currently, or in the future. We would like for you to have information, which is located within the Modules section, readily available so that you will have an understanding of your role in the accommodation process.

All students registered with Adaptive Services will automatically have access to Clockwork, our online management system for the following capabilities:

  • Students will have their accommodation letters emailed as a pdf attachment from the Adaptive Services to each of their instructors at the beginning of the semester, or upon registering for services and accommodations with our office. Please be aware that the accommodations listed are what the students are entitled to, based on their disability. Some accommodations listed may not apply in your specific course due to the format or structure of the course. For your reference, a list of common accommodations and explanations can be viewed in the Module section.
  • Request note takers for selected courses. While student accommodation letters may list note taking as an ADA entitled accommodation, utilizing that accommodation is at the discretion of the student and dependent on the format of the course, among other reasons. Consequently, we are requesting instructors to hold off on making any announcements for a note taker unless specifically asked to do so via email. In other words, the request for a note taker is initiated by the student, not the accommodation letter, and is  done through our online Clockwork Management System by the student.
  • Students are now able to book tests online! All students registered with Adaptive Services who have a testing accommodation are able to book their tests, quizzes, and exams using our Clockwork online management system. You can find written directions, as well as a video tutorial on your role as the instructor, in the Testing Module. To access the instructor portal to Clockwork, click on this link: Clockwork Portal


Should you have any questions please contact our office at or call 239-590-7956.

We look forward to working with you and thank you in advance for all that you continue to do for our students!


Office Information                                                                                

Office Phone: 239-590-7956    

Fax: 239-590-7975       

Location: Student and Community Counseling Center, 1st floor



Fall/Spring Semester Hours                                  Summer Hours/Classes not in Session

8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday                     8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

Testing hours                                                                                          Testing Hours

Monday -Thursday 7:30 - 5:45                                               Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:45

Friday 7:30 -4:45

**For any Testing questions or issues after 5 pm M-Th,  please call  239-745-4356.



***Our office will be closed when the University is closed***



Course Summary:

Date Details Due
Public Domain This course content is offered under a Public Domain license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.